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Events Read the 2024 Meeting Wrap-Up View the 2024 Photo Gallery PAO-HNS PAO-HNS is a not-for-profit membership organization which represents and serves Otolaryngologists, Head and Neck Surgeons in Pennsylvania and the region. PAO-HNS is dedicated to the professional interests of otolaryngologists and their patients, promoting the highest professional and ethical standards of practice through education and advocacy. We're planning for 2025! Soundings Read the Winter 2024 PAO-HNS Newsletter!
- Advocacy | PAO-HNS
Advocacy Update What We're Watching.... Noncompete Clauses/Restrictive Covenants On July 17, 2024 Governor Shapiro signed HB1633 into law. The measure, known as Act 74 of 2024 places, for the first time in PA statutory restrictions on noncompete agreements in physician employment contracts. Act 74 will limit noncompete agreements in physician contracts to maximum duration of one year. In a related matter, on August 20, 2024, a Federal District Court judge in Texas struck down the Federal noncompete rule. Senate Bill 25 A scope of practice measure that continues to be of interest to the physician community is SB25. This legislation is known as the Rural Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner Health Care Access Program. If passed into law, this program could be implemented in the 49 (our of 66) counties of the Commonwealth that are deemed rural. This bill will allow an eligible rural Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner to practice as an independent primary healthcare practitioner without a written or collaborative agreement with a physician. The bill requires a CRNP to comply with the requirements of law and standard of advanced nursing care and recognize limitations in knowledge and experience. A CRNP must wear a name identification badge showing the professional title and must inform patients of the title before or during the initial patient encounter. Any signage or advertisements must contain a CRNP’s professional title. A CRNP is required to plan for the management of situations beyond a CRNP’s expertise and consult with and refer patients to other health care providers as appropriate. Senate Bill 25 excludes a collaborating physician from having any legal responsibility for acts or omissions of a CRNP while practicing under the program when there is a written or collaborative agreement with the physician outside of the program. The bill specifically prohibits a CRNP from practicing under the Medical Practice Act of 1985 or the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act through the program. No physician-patient relationship is established when a CRNP consults with a physician or seeks clinical information or guidance. SB25 has been reported out of the Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee as well as the Senate Appropriations Committee. It currently is on the legislative calendar for full Senate consideration this fall. House Bill 1235 SB 1235, if passed, would authorize PA to join the Audiology and Speech Language Pathology Interstate Compact. Although 33 states have passed legislation to join the Compact as of this writing, PAO has taken the position of opposing the legislation as currently written. Reasons for opposing the legislation are as follows; Despite assurances to the contrary, the proposed Interstate Compact for Audiology and Speech-language Pathology attempts to overtake the established licensure process and create a compact that puts the protection of the public in their own hands by creating a Commission that can override state laws, “Unlike the medical licensure compact where a physician must already be licensed to practice in a state (voluntary expedited licensure), this compact attempts to create and dictate initial universal licensure for two very different professions without adequate quality standards. For example, an ASLP licensed in a state with lower standards of practice would be allowed to practice in a state with stronger practice standards. Telehealth: The current compact proposal would allow any compact member to practice telehealth in any other member’s state without documenting appropriate standards of care are being met. Exclusion of physician members: Physician members are appointed to the state ASLP licensing boards, but this is excluded in the Compact. This compact calls for an audiology or speech language pathology service provider to be in compliance with state practice laws outside of their home state yet, the compact negates states’ jurisdictional testing requirements. Oversight is missing from the compact including continuing education. On August 29, 2024 members of the PAO had a meeting with the prime sponsor of the bill to relay their concerns with the legislation. From this discussion we found out that the legislation would most likely not advance this fall and will be reintroduced next year when the new legislative session begins. During the next 3 months, PAO will work with House staff to see if common ground can be found resulting in possible amendments to the measure. 2025 General Assembly Session Dates STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tba STATE SENATE tba
- Annual Awards | PAO-HNS
Annual Awards This award honors a member otolaryngologist who has done extraordinary work for the Academy or who has made an extraordinary contribution to his/her specialty. In 2012, the award was named to honor the memory of Helen Krause, MD, FACS, FACO-HNS, FAAOA. Dr. Krause was a pioneer in the specialty who served the Academy in many capacities during her 46 years of membership. She was the consummate example of a strong, female physician leader and the PAO-HNS commemorates her legacy by dedicating this award in her name. Recipients 1961 James E. Landis, MD, Reading 1964 Matthew S. Ersner, MD, Philadelphia 1973 Daniel S. DeStio, MD, Pittsburgh 1975 John T. Dickinson, MD, Pittsburgh 1977 David Myers, MD, Philadelphia 1979 James M. Cole, MD, Danville 1980 Silvio H. DeBlasio, MD, Pittsburgh 1983 Bernard J. Ronis, MD, Philadelphia 1985 Eugene G. Rex, MD, Philadelphia 1986 Donald B. Kamerer, MD, Pittsburgh 1988 Stewart R. Rood, PhD, Pittsburgh 1990 G. William Jaquiss, MD, Pittsburgh 1991 Clyde B. Lamp, Jr., MD, Pittsburgh 1992 Donald P. Vrabec, MD, Danville 1993 Helen F. Krause, MD, Pittsburgh 1994 George H. Conner, MD, Hershey 1994 Louis D. Lowry, MD, Philadelphia 1995 Thomas L. Kennedy, MD, Danville 1996 Alfred K. Walter, Reading 1997 Webb Hersperger, MD, Carlisle 1998 John Milliron, Harrisburg 1999 James B. Snow, Jr., MD, Easton, MD 2003 Phillip K. Pellitteri, DO, FACS, Danville 2004 Karen A. Rizzo, MD, FACS, Lancaster 2005 Barry E. Hirsch, MD, Pittsburgh 2006 Edmund A. Pribitkin, MD, Philadelphia 2007 Scott M. Gayner, MD, Mechanicsburg 2008 Robert T. Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS, Philadelphia 2009 Robert L. Ferris, MD, PhD, FACS, Pittsburgh 2012 Eugene N. Myers, MD, FACS, Pittsburgh 2013 David W. Kennedy, MD, Philadelphia 2014 Jason G. Newman, MD, FACS, Philadelphia 2015 Berrylin J. Ferguson, MD, FAAOA, FACS, PIttsburgh 2016 David Goldenberg, MD, FACS, Hershey 2017 Jeffrey Simons, MD, FACS, FAAP, Pittsburgh 2018 Jonas T. Johnson, MD 2019 James C. Denneny, III, MD, Alexandria, VA 2020 Bert W. O'Malley, Jr., MD 2021 Johnathan D. McGinn, MD, Hershey 2022 David M. Cognetti, MD, FACS, Philadelphia 2023 Ahmed M.S. Soliman, MD 2024 Paul Swanson, MD Presented to a non-physician who has done unusual work for the deaf, hearing deaf, hearing, voice, or speech impaired. Recipients 1991 James C. Roddey, Pittsburgh 1993 David P. Augustine, RN, Clinician I, Mt. Carmel 1994 Carol Finkle, M Ed, MA, Philadelphia 1995 Rachel D. Dubin, Baltimore 1996 Patricia Exley Ambler & Ann Friedlander, Wynnewood 1997 Christina Seaborg, MA, Wilkes-Barre 1998 Pamela Dickinson, MS, CCC-A, Pittsburgh 1999 Virginia Ehr, North Myrtle Beach, SC2001 Mark Y. Harlor, M Ed, Danville 2002 Laura R. Sabol, M. Ed, CCC/SLP, Lancaster 2003 Hearing Center of Children’s Hosp of Pitts Community Advisory Board 2005 Kathleen J. Gilmartin, Au.D., University of Pittsburgh Ear & Eye Inst. 2006 Catherine V. Palmer, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh Medical Center 2007 George Nofer, JD, Philadelphia, PA 2008 Roberta Aungst, MS, CCC-A 2009 Deborrah Johnston, Au.D., DePaul School for Hearing and Speech 2010 John Nicotra 2012 Donald E. Rhoten, M.Ed., M.S., Pittsburgh 2014 Anne Gaspich, Harrisburg 2016 Mary Hawkshaw, RN, BSN, CORLN, Drexel University College of Medicine 2017 Katherine T. Verdolini Abbott, PhD, M.Div 2018 Margaret McCall Baroody, MM 2019 Linda M. Carroll, PhD 2020 Ruth G. Auld, EdD 2021 Tamara L. Wasserman-Wincko, M.S. 2022 Paula B. Marcinkevich, AuD, CCC-A 2023 Adeline R. Schultz, M.Ed. 2024 Philip A. Doucette, MA, CCC-SLP Presented to a lay person in Pennsylvania (frequently a legislator) who has rendered outstanding service to community in support of quality health care. Recipients 1991 State Senator J. Doyle Corman, Bellefonte 1992 State Representative Edwin G. Johnson, Hollidaysburg 1993 State Representative Elaine F. Farmer, McCandless 1994 U. S. Senator Arlen Specter 1995 State Representative Matthew J. Ryan, Delaware County 1996 Hon. Merle Phillips, Sunbury 1997 Gov. Thomas Ridge, Harrisburg 1998 Hon. J. Scot Chadwick, Harrisburg 1999 None Presented 2000 None Presented 2001 Hon. Charles T. McIlhinney, Jr., Harrisburg 2002 Hon. Curt Schroder, Harrisburg 2003 Hon. Jane C. Orie, Pittsburgh 2004 Hon. Rick Santorum 2005 Hon. Jake Corman 2006 Hon. Charles D. Lemmond 2007 Hon. Jim Gerlach 2008 Hon. Mike Turzai, Allegheny County 2009 Hon. P. Michael Sturla, Lancaster County 2010 Hon. Susan Helm, Dauphin County 2012 Hon. Ronald S. Marsico, Dauphin County 2013 Hon. Joseph B. Scarnati, III 2014 Hon. Jay Costa, Pittsburgh 2015 Hon. Mark Mustio 2017 Madame Justice Sandra Schultz Newman 2018 Hon. Harry Readshaw 2019 Hon. Bryan D. Cutler, JD, BS RTR, Lancaster County 2020 Hon. David S. Hickernell 2021 Hon. Kerry A. Benninghoff 2022 Hon. Marty Flynn 2023 Hon. Ryan P. Aument 2024 Senator Lynda Culver The Ellie Goldenberg Award is presented in loving memory of Ellie Goldenberg (z"l), by her parents Drs. Renee and David Goldenberg’s . In establishing this award, the Goldenberg Family wants Ellie’s legacy of hard work, dedication, and kindness to be commemorated and perpetuated for generations. Recipients 2023 Kasra Ziai , MD and Nicole Molin, MD 2024 Cheng Ma, MD
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COVID-19 Resources The Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (PAO-HNS) is aware of our members concerns during this challenging time. Information on the coronavirus and COVID-19 continues to grow, which creates new recommendations that evolve and even change frequently. Many national organizations have created resources for physicians seeking guidance on the disease, its impact to our patients, the growing evidence of unique risks we face as surgeons, and the business challenges of practice operation during this time of limited patient visits and surgeries. In an effort to guide our colleagues in the state to helpful sources of information, we are providing these resources. The PAO-HNS hopes that as we remain dedicated to the care of our patients, we can likewise function in an educated and safe fashion to protect ourselves, our fellow healthcare workers, and our families. American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Coronavirus 2019 Resources American College of Surgeons COVID-19 and Surgery Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Information for Healthcare Providers Pennsylvania Department of Health COVID-19 Information for Health Care Professionals Sub-Specialty Societies American Head and Neck Society COVID-19 Bulletin Board American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology IPOD COVID-19 Survey Report American Rhinologic Society Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
- Executive Council and Committees | PAO-HNS
Executive Council and Committees Executive Council Jessyka G. Lighthall, MD, FACS Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Colin T. Huntley, MD Jefferson University - Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Andrew McCall, MD, FACS University of Pittsburgh- Department of Otolaryngology David M. Cognetti, MD, FACS Jefferson University - Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surger y Johnathan D. McGinn, MD Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Center Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Sandra Stinnett, MD University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Department of Otolaryngology Robert Brody, MD Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and the Veteran's Administration Medical Center Nithin Dev Adappa, MD University of Pennsylvania, Department of Otorhinolaryngology Maurits S. Boon, MD Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Richard E. Ferraro, MD Carlisle Ear Nose & Throat Assoc. David Goldenberg, MD, FACS Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surger y Neerav Goyal, MD, MPH Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center - Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Thomas Kaffenberger, MD UPMC – Otolaryngology Kevin Kovatch, MD Geisinger Health, Danville Michael Ondik, MD Phillip K. Pellitteri, DO, FACS Guthrie Clinic Nicholas Purdy, DO Geisinger Health, Danville Karen A. Rizzo, MD, FACS Lancaster Ear Nose and Throa t Pamela C. Roehm, MD, PhD Temple Otorhinology Associates Justin C. Ross, DO Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – Otolaryngology Robert T. Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS Drexel University - Philadelphia ENT Associates Cecelia Schmalbach, MD, MSc, FACS Temple University Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Temple Head & Neck Institut e Jeffrey P. Simons, MD, FACS Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC Ahmed M.S. Soliman, MD Temple University Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Temple Head and Neck Institut e Kevin Stavrides, MD Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center Paul B. Swanson, MD ENT and Allergy Specialists Scott Walen, MD Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center - Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Christina M. Yver, MD, MBA University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Committees Allergy & Rhinology Chair: Nithin Adappa, MD Awards Chair: Robert Sataloff, MD Bylaws Chair: Philip Pellitteri, DO Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Chair: Scott Walen, MD,; Christina M. Yver, MD, MBA Head and Neck Surgery Chair: Neerav Goyal, MD Legislative Chair: Richard Ferraro, MD Membership Chair: Pamela Roehm, MD, PhD Nominating Chair: Johnathan McGinn, MD Ototology Chair/term 2022-2024: Andrew McCall, MD Chair/term 2024-2026: Pamela Roehm, MD, PhD Patient Safety Chair/ 2023: Neerav Goyal, MD Pediatrics Chair/ 2022-2024: Jeffrey Simons, MD Scientific Program 2024 Co-Chair: Sandra Stinnett, MD; Co-Chair: Robert Brody, MD Sleep Medicine Chair Maurits Boon, MD Voice, Speech, Swallowing Co-Chair: Robert T. Sataloff, MD; Co-Chair: Ahmed Soliman, MD
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- 2024 Gallery | PAO-HNS
Scenes from the 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting
- Site Map | PAO-HNS
Site Map Homepage About Officers Executive Council and Committees Annual Awards Staff Membership Join PAO-HNS Member Benefits Member Login Meetings and Events Annual Scientific Meeting Sponsors and Exhibitors Registration and Hotel Meeting Archive Advocacy For Patients Cosmetic and Reconstructive Ear Nose, Sinus, and Allergy Thyroid and Other Head & Neck Conditions Voice & Throat Disorders COVID-19 Search Site Map Terms of Use Privacy Policy
- Annual Scientific Meeting Registration | PAO-HNS
Annual Scientific Meeting Registration 2025 information coming soon!
- Registration and Hotel | PAO-HNS
Registration and Hotel 2025 information available soon!